Saturday, May 07, 2011

FRESCHETTA Simply Inspired review and Giveaway!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of FRESCHETTA® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.



FRESCHETTA® Simply…Inspired™


I received a coupon for a FREE pizza and a neat square Bamboo cutting board with cheese knives for review from Social Spark and Freschetta.

Freschetta is available in Eight distinctive flavor varieties including Harvest Supreme, Classic Bruschetta, Hawaiian Style, Chicken Bianco, Farmers Market Veggie, Rustic Pepperoni Pomodoro, Southern BBQ Recipe Chicken, Tuscan Farmhouse.


Freschetta Simply Inspired Pizzas feature larger cuts of fresh-tasting vegetables, a light crispy crust, flavorful, real cheese and signature sauces, creating deliciously different pizzas from toppings to bottom. They are also packed using the new Fresch-Taste seal package, which locks in the vibrant flavors, while using 30% less packaging material. Visit to learn more about the varieties, and find which flavor is simply... you! 

For our review my family and I picked the

 Harvest Supreme ~ It had wonderful toppings including roasted red onions and Italian sausage! It was easy to prepare, the pizza too 12 to 14 minutes at 425 degrees. The kids ate this pizza so fast! The reviews from them were great! My oldest son it was better than take out! My youngest son said it was the best tasting pizza he had ever ate! All of the kids loved it and we will be buying more Freschetta Simply Inspired pizza varieties the next time we go to the store! We all gave it a 5 stars for taste and flavor!

Thanks to Social Spark and Freschetta for the chance to do this Yummy review and giveaway!


Giveaway~One of my lucky readers will win a coupon  for a complimentary Freschetta Simply Inspired Pizza (valued up to $8.59) and a round bamboo cutting board.

To enter please visit  and tell me which variety of the Freschetta Simply Inspired pizza you would like to try!

~This must be done before other entries will count. ~ Please include and email address in all comments so that I can notify you in the case you are the winner.

Extra entries~

Like Freschetta Simply Inspired on Facebook and Follow Freschetta Simply Inspired on Twitter. ~ Freschetta is offering weekly giveaways of awesome prizes on these pages through the rest of 2011!

For one entry each (one entry per comment) Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect, Follow my blog via email, Follow me on twitter, Like me on facebook, Follow my blog via networked blogs.

Giveaway will end June 1st @11:59 CST. Winner will be picked via and will have 48hours to send mailing info to receive the prize of the coupon and cutting board or another winner will be picked. I will be mailing the prize to the winner within 48hours of getting info.

Thanks again to Freschetta Pizza and Social Spark for providing me with the coupon and cutting board! All opinions are my own.

Visit Sponsor's Site


strawberry said...

I would love to try the Farmers Market Veggie.

strawberry said...

I follow Freschetta Simply Inspired on facebook. user name Sally Grubbs.

strawberry said...

I follow Freschetta Simply Inspired on twitter. user name strawberry_39.

strawberry said...

I follow your blog GFC.

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I follow your blog via email.

strawberry said...

I follow you on twitter. user name strawberry_39.

strawberry said...

I follow you on facebook. user name Sally Grubbs.

strawberry said...

I follow your blog on networked blogs.

mom2sweeties said...

Farmers market Veggie YUMMY!!!

mom2sweeties said...

liked them on FB

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humanecats said...

I'd like to try the Hawaiin.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow Freschetta simply on twitter as humanecats and Facebook as Ricky Todd.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

email subscriber

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow on networked blogs as Ricky T.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I like you on Facebook as Ricky Todd.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow on GFC as Ericka T.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow on twitter as humanecats.

humanecats at gmail dot com

June L said...

The rustic pepperoni looks yummy :0)

junerlisle at gmail dot com

June L said...

I follow Freschetta on facebook (June Lisle) and on twitter @Battle_Cry87

junerlisle at gmail dot com

June L said...

I am a GFC follower :0)

junerlisle at gmail dot com

June L said...

I email subscribe :0)

junerlisle at gmail dot com

June L said...

I follow you on twitter @Battle_Cry87

junerlisle at gmail dot com

June L said...

I like you on facebook (June Lisle)

junerlisle at gmail dot com

Carol said...

I would love to try the Harvest Supreme pizza!

lisa said...

would like to try the Hawaiin

lisa said...

Follow you via email

lisa said...

Follow via GFC LisaMarie

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the Hawaiian Style. LPoser1 [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Anonymous said...

I would like to try the Classic Brushetta.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Gracie L. said...

I want to try the Farmers Harvest one. breezyinaz at gmail dot com

Gracie L. said...

I liked Freschetta on Facebook. breezyinaz at gmail dot com

Gracie L. said...

I am a twitter follower of Freschetta - breezyinaz at gmail dot com

Gracie L. said...

Elli R. is now following you with GFC
breezyinaz at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

following you by email

farmgirl said...

The Hawaiian Style pizza looks yummy!!!

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter as babyjames

Unknown said...

I liked Freschetta on Facebook.

farmgirl said...

Following Freschetta Simply on twitter


farmgirl said...

Following Freschetta Simply on FB

Heather G

Unknown said...

I follow you on facebook

farmgirl said...

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Heather G

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farmgirl said...

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Heather G

farmgirl said...

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Heather G said...

I would like the Classic Bruchetta.

Deb K said...

Harvest Supreme


Deb K said...

I like them on FB{Deb S}


Deb K said...

Follow them on Twitter~Deb55106


Deb K said...

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CheekyMommaof2 said...

We would love to try the Harvest Supreme! Pizza is a fave in this house and we have it atleast once a week!


Cheekymommaof2 at live dot com

CheekyMommaof2 said...

I follow your blog via GFC!


Cheekymommaof2 at live dot com

CheekyMommaof2 said...

I follow you on Twitter as cheekymommaof2


Cheekymommaof2 at live dot com

CheekyMommaof2 said...

I like you on Facebook!


Cheekymommaof2 at live dot com

CheekyMommaof2 said...

I like Freschetta on Facebook!


Cheekymommaof2 at live dot com

CheekyMommaof2 said...

I follow Freschetta on Twitter


Cheekymommaof2 at live dot com

Paula said...

I love the Hawaiian Pizza!

Paula Carpenter

Anonymous said...

The Farmers Market Veggie sounds delicious and I would love to give it a try.

lorialcorn2006 said...

I would love the hawaiian style it look so good

lorialcorn2006 said...

Im following them on twitter

lorialcorn2006 said...

Im following them on facebook

lorialcorn2006 said...

I am following your blog through googel friend connect

lorialcorn2006 said...

I follow you on twitter

lorialcorn2006 said...

I follow you on facebook

lorialcorn2006 said...

I am following your blog through blog networks

lorialcorn2006 said...

Oh and I do the blog frog to so I thought I would follow you there as well LOL

Frugal Diva said...

would love to try the Tuscan Farmhouse

Lauren S. said...

I would def. pick the Hawaiian pizza!