Thursday, June 06, 2013

UHF America’s Health Rankings Senior Report~ #AHRSenior2013

This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and United Health Foundation. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
 Now is a critical time to study senior health at the population level because we know 
that America’s senior population will grow by more than 50 percent in the next 15 years and that Hispanic older adults are expected to become the largest racial/ethnic minority of those aged 65 and older by 2019.
 They count on family and friend to help them out as they get older and their health declines. 
That's why its important for family to be aware of meds and other needs of our older family members. I encourage you to take action on improving the health of seniors in the U.S!!
That why I thought I would introduce you to my Granny...


Overcoming health challenges of older folks can be hard for anyone caring for them. Things like dementia, obesity, and having to choose between food or meds plague older family members.

I have it lucky thou my Granny likes to get out of her house and stay active!

 My granny is pretty healthy for her age. In the past year she has quit smoking and volunteers regularly at the food bank. She loves helping others and that keeps her moving, in shape and active. She was motivated to quit smoking because she had lost a close friend to lung cancer. I always worry about Granny having her meds and food but she takes really good care of herself. I stop by her house often to make sure she has everything she needs. She is not overweight at this time because she is so active and she still drives herself around. Granny likes to play crossword puzzles. She says it keeps her mind sharp..Granny still does cross stitching. I don't know she does it because when I try it my eyes

She loves to visit thrift shops and you can always find Granny up early on Saturdays to find the best deals at yard sales. Family and friends are the most important for her. She loves her grandchildren and spending time with them. Sometimes she even runs around outside with them and plays kick ball with them. I love my Granny and will be there for her when she finally needs help. 

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