Sunday, February 20, 2011

Review~ Tithing by Douglas Leblanc, Phyllis Tickle

Tithing: Test Me in This
By: Douglas LeBlanc
Thomas Nelson



Tithing, by Douglas LeBlanc, is an awesome book. In the book, LeBlanc provides eleven different perspectives on tithing by interviewing people from drastically different backgrounds and finding out how it has affected their lives. LeBlanc seemed to focus more on telling the stories of his interviews than on giving the reader any actual information about tithing. In one of the interviews, Mark Kellner says, "As far as I know, there's no mention in Scripture of tithing on money." As far as he knows? As a reporter, doesn't LeBlanc have the responsibility to research and answer that statement? It is, after all, a book about tithing.I admit to being a bit of a cynic, but there were points in the book where the theme seemed to be, "If you tithe, God will give you what you want; if you don't, He'll make sure terrible things happen to you." That is much too simplistic for my taste. There were some good points included in the book. They were just hard to find. LeBlanc does point out that tithing is less about money and more about the heart. Tithing positions us humbly before God as our provider, which is always a good thing. If you're looking for material that will actually instruct you on how to tithe or the biblical basis for it, this is not what you're looking for. If you're looking for stories that have a bit to do with how peoples' lives have been affected by tithing, you will like this book.

disclosure: I received this book free from Booksneeze for my review.

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