Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Book Review: Finding Our Way Again, by Brian McLaren

Finding Our Way Again
The Return of the Ancient Practices
Brian McLaren
Thomas Nelson 12-10
paperback $12.99
240 pages
ISBN: 9780849901140

McLaren compares spiritual practice to training to run a marathon, training to speak a language, and training to play an instrument. They all take regular habits and the ability to learn from mistakes. Modeling the process, he shares some of the lessons he picked up while on a fast.

McLaren commends the Christian tradition for its wide array of practices for those seeking to sustain the health and well-being of their souls. He assesses contemplative practices such as spiritual reading, prayer journaling, solitude and silence, gratitude, and many others. He salutes the importance of communal spiritual practices such as church going (a workout of the people) and delineates the different ingredients such as arrival, engagement, listening, response, and reentry practices. He ends with missional practices which equip the saints to live in love and serve others in the day-by-day world. Here are some of the missional practices: listening, speaking truth in love, not judging but showing mercy, giving to the poor, and showing empathy.

I liked this book because it was a quick read and good for a group study because there are questions at the end of each chapter. I would recommend this one.

disclosure: I received this book as a review copy from Booksneeze.com.

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